Peyronie's Disease Therapy 


Peyronie's Disease

Peyronie’s Disease is a condition that develops over time, and causes the curvature of the penis when erect. A layer of tissue under the skin forms knots of tissue that eventually creates a thick cord that pulls the penis into a curved position. Other symptoms include penile pain, diminished size, and lessened sexual performance. In the early stages, some men find PDE5 inhibitors like Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis to be effective. In severe cases, ED specialists may offer some surgical curved erection treatment options. These include a plication procedure, which removes abnormal scar tissue and plaque to straighten the penis, plaque incisions with skin graft insertions to correct the curvature of the penis, and plaque excisions and grafting to remove scar tissue and replace it with skin grafts.

Acoustic Wave Therapy for Peyronie's Disease

The advent of acoustic wave therapy for ED has offered a possible alternative to drugs and surgery well worth considering for many patents, and especially those suffering from Peyronie’s Disease. Acoustic wave therapy has been used in orthopedics to help heal broken bones, injured ligaments, and injured tendons, speed up tissue repair, and stimulate cell growth. When applied to the treatment of erectile dysfunction, acoustic wave therapy stimulates the corpora cavernosa (the penile arteries) and associated nerve tissue.

Key Benefits of Acoustic Wave Therapy

Acoustic Wave Therapy provides more than a short-term effect, and a drug free alternative to Viagra and other potency drugs. By increasing nitric oxide, an effect similar to PDE-5 inhibitor is created., but acoustic wave therapy treats the cause instead of the symptom. Acoustic Wave Therapy stimulates the breaking up of plaque, the formation of new blood vessels, and nerve regeneration over time. These features make Shockwave therapy especially useful for men suffering from Peyronie’s Disease. Some men experience a marked improvement after only one session, and, over the course of treatment, patients will begin to see the benefits.